Mont Kiara Team
For us to serve you all better, that's growing our team. Lead by Team Manager (Freeman Woo & Team BY MIP PROPERTIES) FREEMAN WOO...

Thank You Starproperty.my
#freemanwooandteam #starpropertyawards #montkiaracondo #montkiara #montkiaraexpert #montkiaraexpert #Staragent #iproperty...

Mont Kiara Condos
It is just for reference only. Some information might not accurate. #montkiara #montkiaracondo #MontKiaraStaragent #montkiaraawardswinner...

Arcoris Mont' Kiara
Looking to Buy/Rent/List Jin Ooi REN24497 📞 +60146376359 Freeman Woo & Team by MIP PROPERTIES #freemanwoorealestate #arcoris...

Iproperty Agents Advertising Awards Winner
Congratulations Team Manager Freeman Woo & Team for another new milestone achievements. Thank you iProperty.com Malaysia for these great...