Thank You For Your Support!
The team will never 'BE' if it's not because of each and everyone of YOU MIP Annual Appreciation Night 2019 @ooishihjin Top Emerging...

Mont Kiara Team
For us to serve you all better, that's growing our team. Lead by Team Manager (Freeman Woo & Team BY MIP PROPERTIES) FREEMAN WOO...

Thank You Starproperty.my
#freemanwooandteam #starpropertyawards #montkiaracondo #montkiara #montkiaraexpert #montkiaraexpert #Staragent #iproperty...

I can make it because all of you.
I would like to express my gratitude and thankful to all my beloved clients, colleagues, friends and family for all the support and trust...

This Is Why We Invent In Property - www.edgeprop.my
Our Team Manager Freeman Woo has been interviewed and featured in EdgeProp Malaysia about "This is Why We Invest in Property" today....

Best Buy Project In Mont' Kiara
We Freeman Woo and Team very active and focus in Mont Kiara, we know the Mont Kiara price very well. So that we are very confident with...